How to Plan a Self-Love Day in 3 Simple Steps

 1. Set aside time for yourself

Clear your schedule and turn off your phone. It’s important to disconnect and simply focus on yourself and your clarity. This step is crucial as distractions may pull you away from fully enjoying time to yourself. How often you should have your self-love day is up to you – once a week, once a month, or however often you’d like.


2. Create an agenda for your "me time"

If you don't have a full day to dedicate to self-love, you can set aside just a few hours. This can be Sunday morning before everyone is ready to go out to brunch or on a designated day after work. Light a few beautifully scented candles and turn on your favorite music to set the mood. Decide what you want to focus on: a spa day at home, a special hobby like painting, or taking time to dive into your favorite novel. To fully indulge, slip on a robe and surround your bathtub with candles, set up your easel outside, read in bed with a nourishing cup of tea… anything that would allow you to enjoy your time even more.


3. Make yourself the priority

Just setting aside time to focus on yourself isn’t enough. You must be fully present to enjoy your day. We recommend a few minutes of meditation to clear your mind and focus. Breathe in the scent of your candles, float while listening to your favorite music, take in the beauty of self-love.

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Ernest Hemingway