Spice Up Your Relationship While You Work From Home

The coronavirus has impacted our lives greatly, as many now find themselves working from home, eliminating contact with friends, co-workers, and some family members. The thought of not having to get up early to get dressed for work, no more commuting, and minimal office politics to deal with, is a working person’s dream come true. After a few days, though, many will start experiencing cabin fever and crave human contact. But due to the current state of the world, staying indoors is necessary to maintain the health and safety of ourselves and others. The positive side of being home all day is the time you have to strengthen and enjoy your relationship with your partner. Instead of having to schedule time for one another, you now have the ability to slow down and reconnect. Here are ways to spice up your relationship while you work from home:

Follow a routine

A daily routine allows you to be more motivated, organized, and efficient. Working from home can sometimes get too comfortable, so implementing a routine keeps you on track in order to get your work done within a specific time set. Set a timer to stop working from home and focus on more important things like your family and partner (particularly your sex life).

Get dressed

Wake up, shower, and get dressed in something sexy and comfortable. Don’t work in your pajamas from the night before because it will become a habit. Maintain your hygiene, grooming, and appearance. Throw on some lipstick and a couple spritz of your favorite fragrance. When you look good, you feel good and you are able to get through your work day easier. Your partner will appreciate the effort you take everyday to look your best and it'll keep the physical attraction strong.

Designate a work area

This is very important when working from home because it helps keep a professional demeanor when working remotely. Choose a little corner in the living room or kitchen where you can set up a desk or small table to work from. Don’t bring your work to your bedroom every night, as it may cause tension and your partner might feel neglected. Send them a naughty email or text message in the middle of the day to build anticipation for some after work fun.

Mini breaks

Just like going into the office, you are allowed breaks, so why not take this time to enjoy each other? Whether it’s a quick kiss or a full hour of love-making, taking a sexy break allows you to keep the fire burning in your relationship. Intimacy and orgasms are a great way to relieve stress, especially in these uncertain times. Explore each other and experiment with adding another dimension to your love life.

Set a mood

Light up some luxurious scented candles to set the mood and create a warm, romantic ambiance in your home. This positive mood will take you from the day well into the night, keeping you in the mood to enjoy some intimate time with your partner.


Working from home is harder than many people might imagine. You miss having the camaraderie of your team, coffee waiting for you every morning, and your comfortable desk or office that keeps your body from aching after a long day. Reduce work from home stress and tension with a massage. Get some sensual massage oil, so you and your partner can take turns giving each other some erotic deep tissue massages.

Sexy lingerie

Give your partner a special surprise by wearing lingerie as you work from home. Imagine his face when he wakes up seeing you sitting at your work area in a sexy teddy or bra and panty set. You can even do some roleplay to turn up the heat! If you have kids and walking around in lingerie is totally out of the question, then wear sexy crotchless panties underneath your regular clothes for a sexy surprise!

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Ernest Hemingway